Secret Language Of Birthdays

secret language of birthdays

A leap year consists of 366 days, which is the amount of birthday possibilities for all of us. The Secret Language Of Birthdays is a book that explains the individual personalities for each and every birth date of the year.

About The Author

Gary Goldschneider was born in Philadelphia on the 22nd of may, 1939. He published 10 books of which the one mentioned above has sold over 1 million copies worldwide. Besides being an author he is known for his extremely long piano performances that sometimes continue for hours and hours. At the time of writing this article he lives in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

About The Book

As the title claims, you’ll find all the up and downsides of being born on a specific day. Gary brought together astrology, numerology and spiritual knowledge as the base of his philosophy. In order to prove and finetune his secrets, more than 14.000 volunteers were observed and interviewed. Nowadays the secret language of birthdays is a bestelling book available as a hardcover, a paperback or even audio file.

secret language of birthdays details


Overall the book scores a comfortable 4.6 out of 5 stars. Head on over to the review page by clicking the image below and take a moment to go through everyone’s pros and cons. Most people seem to absolutely appreciate the content even if they are not an astrology enthousiast. The book doesn’t limit you to your own life but you’ll get a deeper understanding of friends and family too. Some even use it as a conversation starter at a party or when they have friends over. On the contrary there are a few customers that complain about missing pages. Let’s hope this issue has been fixed by now.

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