Doreen Virtue Angel Cards

doreen virtue angel cards

It goes without saying that Doreen Virtue is a well established personality within the spiritual aspects of modern life. Being the author of many books and running her own website, she is a big inspiration for many amongst us. A couple of her books are available to download for free, if you’re interested just visit her here.

A Little Side Note

Before we rush into customer reviews or any of that good stuff, we believe it is important to mention that Doreen has stopped to practice the angel cards herself. In an interview she mentions that in january 2017 she read a passage in the bible that changed everything for her. Nevertheless she mentions that she’s not judging anybody and that she loves us all.

About The Doreen Virtue Cards Deck

Besides it being a Best Seller it is really impressive how much these cards have helped people from anywhere in the world. We took the time to read through a good amount of reviews. We have to say that it’s astonishing how happy people are with their purchases. Keep in mind that the cards are meant for daily guidance and not for future readings. Off course the day ahead is the future in a way too, but we think you get the point. If we focus on this daily healing, you could say that te purpose lays within a day to day uplifting message. Asking questions is another way to use these 44 cards in case you are looking for answers. Remember that your guiding angels are always with you.


With 5 out of 5 stars based on 684 customer reviews we can’t argue with the success this item has had on lots of people. If you’re interested please make sure to read through a few of them to get a better understanding of why everyone is so hyped. Don’t worry, there is a link below that will take you to the information and sales page. With Doreen not using the cards anymore we wonder if people will continue to use them. Time will tell. For just over 15 bucks this could also work well as a birthday present. In case you have any experience feel free to let us know so we can keep our My Astro site updated.

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